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Invisalign – Midlothian, TX

Straighten Your Teeth Without The Hassle of Metal

When you look at your smile in the mirror, can you only focus on how crowded and misaligned your teeth are? In the past, your only option would be to litter your grin with metal brackets and wires that would ruing the professional image you have to maintain for work. Fortunately, at Dental Center of Midlothian, we utilize the latest technology and techniques in the dental world to straighten your smile with a comfortable and convenient alternative called Invisalign. This modern orthodontic solution offers countless benefits to our patients, making it the perfect cosmetic dentistry treatment for practically any patient suffering from minor to moderate orthodontic problems.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign aligners being placed on a model of a mouth

Invisalign uses a system of clear plastic aligners that are customized to snuggly fit over your teeth to shift them into their ideal positions. Each time you switch to the next set of aligners in your series, they’ll place a targeted amount of pressure  on certain areas to smooth out crowding, misalignment, gaps, and even minor bite problems. Once you’re finished, you’ll have beautiful and straightened teeth that make you feel proud to smile.

What is the Invisalign Process?

person smiling and working out

To begin your Invisalign treatment, you’ll schedule a consultation with Dr. Johnson. During your visit, he’ll conduct a visual examination of your mouth and capture several photos of your oral structure. Using all of the information he has gathered, he’ll be able to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure and develop a detailed treatment timeline so you know exactly what to expect throughout the process.

After sending off the information we’ve gathered to our Invisalign laboratory to craft your customized aligners, we’ll receive them at our office and call you in to pick up your first set. We’ll teach you how to clean them, put them in, and maintain them before sending you on your way. Every six to eight weeks, depending on your needs, you’ll visit our office for a quick progress check and to pick up your new set of trays until you’ve completed your treatment.

What are the Benefits of Invisalign?

dentist showing a patient their X-rays

Invisalign in Midlothian is such a popular orthodontic treatment option because it offers a large range of benefits that traditional braces don’t, including:

Clear braces are a life-changing orthodontic treatment that allows you to enjoy all the benefits that traditional braces have to offer without suffering from uncomfortable metal. If you’d like to start your journey towards a beautiful and healthy smile, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Johnson today by contacting our office.

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman smiling while holding tablet in office

Now that you know a bit more about how Invisalign works and what the benefits of this discreet orthodontic treatment are, you might be wondering what life with clear aligners actually looks like. Do you need to cut certain foods out of your diet? Do you need to change your oral hygiene routine? What happens if you lose one of your aligners? Don’t worry – you can find the answers to all of these questions right here.

Wearing Your Trays

Woman smiling at colleague while working in office

The good news is there is really only one rule when it comes to wearing your trays: you need to wear them for 20+ hours a day. After all, if you don’t wear them, they won’t work! That’s why we encourage patients to get in the habit of only taking them out when absolutely necessary, like before eating. It’s also a good idea to use the stopwatch on your phone to track your wear time – just to make sure you’re wearing them enough.

Cleaning Your Aligners

Closeup of patient cleaning aligners with toothbrush

Keeping your aligners clean is important. If you don’t, then stubborn stains will begin to surface, and your risk of tooth decay and gum disease will increase significantly. Fortunately, you don’t need any special tools, like interproximal toothbrushes. In short, the only thing that will change about your oral hygiene regimen during your Invisalign treatment is that you will need to dedicate a few minutes a day to cleaning your aligners and commit to brushing your teeth after each meal. 

Eating & Drinking

Woman smiling while eating healthy meal at home

We mentioned in the benefits section that you are free to eat all of your favorite foods throughout your teeth-straightening journey with Invisalign, which is one of the many reasons patients love this orthodontic treatment. That said, it is important to be mindful of what you eat and how it impacts your oral health. For example, if you over-indulge on foods and drinks with added sugar, then there’s a good chance that a cavity will develop, bringing your treatment plan to a temporary stop.

Losing a Tray

Man looking under couch at home

Having clear aligners is incredibly convenient… until you misplace them. If you look down and realize that your trays aren’t where you thought they were, don’t panic. Instead, carefully retrace your steps, and look in “random” places in the process, like the trash can, in the pockets of the pants you were wearing earlier, and in your refrigerator. If you don’t have any luck, then contact our Midlothian dental team ASAP so we can determine a way to move forward that results in as little treatment plan delays as possible.

Routine Check-Ins

Dentist and patient talking in dental office

With Invisalign, you don’t need to come in every 7-14 days for your next aligner. Instead, we will provide you with several sets of trays at once so that you can progress through your treatment plan at home. Every six to eight weeks, you’ll come to our office so we can monitor the movement of your teeth and make sure they are tracking properly. If they are, we will give you your next batch of aligners and see you at your next visit!

Invisalign FAQs

Man smiling after completing Invisalign in Midlothian

If you want to learn even more about Invisalign, you’re in the right place! Dr. Johnson would be more than happy to answer any questions you have about the clear aligners process during your initial consultation. Of course, if you’d like to do some more research until then, that’s okay too. In that case, keep reading for the answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions about Invisalign in Midlothian.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

That depends! For patients with minor misalignment, Invisalign treatment may be as little as six months. However, the average timeline is between 12 and 18 months. Although this is still a significant investment of your time, it’s better than the 24+ months traditional braces take. Plus, Invisalign’s clear aligners are entirely removable, don’t come with any dietary restrictions, and are practically undetectable. In short, since it’s a relatively hassle-free treatment, you’ll be done before you know it!

What Happens After Invisalign?

Once you’ve worked through your entire series of clear aligners, it will be time to celebrate! Before you leave your appointment, we’ll provide you with a custom-made retainer. This small, discreet orthodontic appliance will play an instrumental role in preventing orthodontic relapse (a phenomenon in which your teeth begin to move back into their previous positions). Although the wear time will depend on your unique dental needs, many patients are asked to wear it consistently for the first six months or so before transitioning to wearing it solely at night.

Can You Eat with Invisalign?

Good news: Invisalign doesn’t come with any dietary restrictions! As long as you remove your aligners, you can eat whatever your heart desires. Of course, it’s still a good idea to stick to mostly vitamin-rich, well-balanced meals. After all, your teeth and gums need to stay healthy for your treatment to be successful. With this in mind, avoid foods and drinks with added sugar and exercise caution when indulging in hard, sticky, and crunchy items.

How Do I Clean My Invisalign?

Fortunately, cleaning your Invisalign aligners doesn’t require a cumbersome routine. In fact, it’s very simple! To keep them clean and clear, simply rinse them with lukewarm water and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove food particles, debris, and plaque. You don’t need to use toothpaste (it can leave behind microscopic scratches), and you definitely shouldn’t use household cleaning products like bleach. If your aligners begin to look yellow or start to smell, you can soak them in a mixture of water and the Invisalign Cleaning Crystals for 15 minutes.

Does Invisalign Give You a Lisp?

More than 90% of patients don’t experience any changes to their speaking patterns. So, there is a really good chance that you won’t have a lisp, even when you first get your aligners. Even if you do experience a slight change to your speech, your mouth will adjust quickly, especially if you practice. Try reading out loud and talking to a trusted friend to speed up the process!

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