If you keep a consistent at-home oral hygiene routine, that’s great! But did you know that while at-home care is great for taking care of cavity-causing bacteria, your toothbrush isn’t strong enough to address plaque buildup? Your preventative care dentist in Midlothian can scrape away stubborn plaque and help you maintain pristine oral health.
Plus, Dr. Johnson will also check your mouth for warning signs of cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and more. That way, we can catch harmful conditions in the early stages, when they’re easier to treat. Keep reading to learn more about dental checkups & cleanings at Dental Center of Midlothian, and contact us if you have any questions!
We touched on it above, but regular checkups and cleanings are important for scanning for harmful oral conditions and keeping your teeth white and pearly. Because the goal of these appointments is to find or prevent problems like cavities and gum disease from happening in the first place, it’s called “preventative care.” Research shows that visiting your dentist every six months for preventative care appoointments drastically decreases your risk of oral health conditions!
During your dental checkup in Midlothian, Dr. Johnson will closely examine not only your teeth, but also your gums, tongue, and soft oral tissues. If he notices warning signs such as inflammation, tooth decay, and premature wear, we’ll work with you to develop an effective treatment plan. These checkups also provide you with a good opportunity to ask any questions you might have about straightening your smile, whitening your teeth, taking the best care of your oral health, or other services we offer.
Cleanings are fairly straightforward. Dr. Johnson and our team will brush, floss, and polish your pearly whites, as well as professionally remove plaque buildup. If requested, this is also when we’ll apply a fluoride treatment to help fortify your enamel and protect your smile from cavities.