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Dental Center of Midlothian Blog

Beautify Your Grin! A Guide to Three Cosmetic Dental Procedures and What They Can Fix

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 11:21 pm
Lady smiles

Cosmetic dentistry has allowed countless patients to effectively address a wide range of dental defects like chips, gaps, stains, cracks, and misshapen teeth. This has given many people the boost in confidence they need to succeed at work and enjoy more satisfying social lives. Here’s a brief guide to three popular cosmetic dental procedures and the dental flaws they can fix.


3 Things that a Dentist Would Never Put Into their Mouth (And That You Shouldn’t Either)

September 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 2:00 am
Candy on a table

Dentists frequently educate patients about maintaining oral health and avoiding dental emergencies. Certain everyday items, though seemingly harmless, can lead to significant dental damage. Here are a few things that should never be put in the mouth to prevent dental emergencies.


Embracing a Smile Glow-Up: 3 Benefits of Prepless Veneers

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 5:19 pm
an up-close view of a patient with prepless veneers

Transformational smiles can occur with the help of various cosmetic dental treatments. From teeth whitening and metal-free restorations to dental bonding and even customized veneers, the opportunity to see a dramatic improvement in your appearance is within reach. But what about prepless veneers? What makes them a preferred option for so many patients? Read on to discover three unique benefits associated with these reversible, conservative restorations.


3 Ways You Can Improve Your Smile Today with Cosmetic Dentistry

September 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 12:27 pm
A man choosing his shade of veneer at a cosmetic dentistry consultation

It’s amazing how far cosmetic dentistry has come over the last few years. At one time, cosmetic treatments were rare, or could only be attained by the wealthy. Now, you can go to your dentist today and receive treatment to transform your whole smile in a matter of hours.

If you’re looking to change your smile and brighten your appearance, continue reading. Below you’ll find three of the most popular and least invasive cosmetic dental treatments available.


Is Replacing a Missing Back Tooth Worth It? A Dentist Explains Why.

August 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 9:58 pm
Person with a missing back tooth receiving an oral exam

Did you know that dental implants were originally invented to replace molars? This is because these back teeth were typically the first to require removal as a result of tooth decay and general wear and tear. Today, many people assume that if their back teeth are lost, they don’t need to replace them because they don’t make up their visible smile. However, the reality is a bit more complicated. If you have a missing back tooth, here’s why it’s worth getting it replaced!


Can I Live Longer With Dental Implants?

April 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 6:12 pm
mature woman smiling in Midlothian

Do you have missing teeth? While you may not feel any issues at the moment, you could be at risk of further tooth loss without the proper support. Additionally, recent studies have revealed that the number of teeth you have can actually affect your life expectancy. To reduce your risks, you can always consider dental implants! Keep reading to learn how this restoration option can help you live longer and the benefits it has for your smile.


Am I Too Old for Invisalign in Midlothian?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 9:23 pm

You’re only as old as you feel, and you’re never too old to have straight teeth you’re proud of. So, if you’ve wondered, “Am I too old for Invisalign?” – you’re not! 

Invisalign aligners can deliver your dream smile whether you’re 14 or 74. Read on to find out why it’s never too late to straighten your smile with your dentist in Midlothian!


Are Dental Implants Covered by Dental Insurance?

October 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 12:58 am
Form for dental insurance in Midlothian

Tooth loss is a common issue that millions of Americans face all across the country. It can be difficult to complete daily tasks, like eating and speaking, when you have gaps in your smile. But fortunately, you don’t need to go the rest of your life with an incomplete smile. Dental implants have all sorts of benefits that you can’t get from other tooth replacement options, but are they covered by your dental insurance plan? Continue reading to learn how it works!


6 of the Weirdest Dental Emergencies to Date!

April 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 11:50 pm
Super glue

If you have ever experienced a dental emergency, you know just how stressful they can be. It is difficult to make quick decisions when you are experiencing a lot of pain. Common dental emergencies include toothaches, broken teeth, and knocked-out teeth. However, some of them get much stranger than your average abscessed tooth. Continue reading to learn more about some of the strangest dental emergencies and how they occurred.


4 Ways Dental Checkups Can Help You Save Money

October 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcenterofmidlothian @ 8:48 pm
Dental tools on top of $100 bills and dental insurance

Are you looking for ways to save money? It’s common knowledge that the first step towards bulking up your savings is to cut back on unnecessary expenses. However, while you’re deciding what you can do without, don’t try to save money by cancelling your routine dental checkups! Even if your teeth look and feel fine, regularly visiting your dentist twice a year can save you a substantial amount of time and money later on. Here are four ways why biannual dental appointments are good for both your smile and your wallet.

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